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本次公益讲座的主题为“美国K12‘生生互动’教学设计理念与方法”,针对美国K12语言课堂中提高人际沟通能力的同伴和小组活动设计与实施展开研讨。讲座由美国北弗吉尼亚大学国际语言系系主任谭大立教授主持,介绍了美国威斯康辛大学密尔沃基分校副教授(荣誉退休)海伦娜• 柯顿教授以及她的著作《语言与学习者:国际语言课堂教学指南》。本书基于“沟通”这个基本要素和基本原则,将大纲、方法与材料统一起来,为教师提供指导和范例,帮助他们构建基于标准的、以沟通为首要任务的语言课堂。本书分“基础理论”“设计”“学习体验”“表现和反馈”“环境”“学习工具”“专业性和合作性”“课程”八大部分,探讨了课程设计、语言能力培养策略、语言与文化的贯连、利用评价帮助学习者成长并促进课程发展、管理学习环境、有效利用学习工具、教师的职业发展、课程规划与实施等实用话题。This public lecture, titled " Concepts and Methods of American K-12 ‘Student Interaction’ Teaching Design", focuses on the design and implementation of peer and group activities to improve interpersonal communication skills in the U.S. K12 language classroom. Professor Dali Tan, Chair of the Department of International Languages at Northern Virginia University, introduced Professor Helena Curtain, Associate Professor (Emeritus) at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, and her book Languages and Learners: Making the Match. Based on the basic elements and principles of "communication," this book unifies syllabus, methods, and materials to provide teachers with guidance and examples to help them build standards-based language classrooms where communication is a priority. The book is divided into eight parts, which discusses practical topics such as curriculum design, language proficiency development strategies, language and culture connections, using assessments to help learners grow and promote curriculum development, managing the learning environment, using learning tools effectively, teacher professional development, and curriculum planning and implementation.


海伦娜·柯顿 Helena Curtain


海伦娜·柯顿,威斯康辛大学密尔沃基分校副教授(荣誉退休)。曾任威斯康辛密尔沃基大学副教授,负责指导外语教师和母语非英语学习者英文教师的培训项目。海伦娜也曾在密尔沃基公校系统小学和中学任教,负责整个学区的外文项目和作为二语的英文项目。海伦娜现已公开发表多篇关于教学指导的文章,也是《语言与学习者:国际语言课堂教学指南》第五版的两位作者之一(另一位作者为卡罗尔·安·达尔伯格)。她是一名享有国际声誉的专家,同时她还担任美国各州以及四十个国家的客座讲师、顾问和访学教授。她的研究重点是如何通过合适的教学实践提高语言水平。Associate Professor (retired emeritus) at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Formerly Associate Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, where she directed training programs for foreign language teachers and English teachers of non-native English learners. Helena has also taught in the Milwaukee Public School system at the elementary and middle school levels, where she was responsible for the district-wide foreign language program and the English as a second language program. Helena has now published several articles on instructional guidance and is one of two authors (the other is Carol Ann Dahlberg) of Languages and Learners: Making the Match. She is an internationally acclaimed expert who also serves as a guest lecturer, consultant, and visiting professor in every state in the United States and in forty countries. Her research focuses on how to improve language proficiency through appropriate teaching practices.


谭大立 Tan Dali


北弗吉尼亚两年制大学教授,博士,现任国际语言系系主任。在美国和中国的大学和中小学从事中文和英文教学三十余年。曾任美国东北地区外语教学学会(NECTFL)理事,全美中小学中文教师协会(CLASS)会长。2006年以来,担任美国大学理事会AP中文顾问,曾任中文SAT命题委员会成员,AP中文考试命题委员会成员。曾多次应邀在各种国际和全国性会议上演讲,在中国、美国、英国和加拿大的丛书和学术期刊上发表多篇论文。她的学生在2003年荣获美国总统学者奖时,提名她为“一生中最具有影响力的老师”,为此她荣获美国教育部颁发的教师表彰奖。荣获2022年弗吉尼亚州世界语言年度教师称号 Dali Tan has been teaching Chinese and English for over thirty years in universities, primary schools and secondary schools in the United States and China. She has served on the Board of Directors of the Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (NECTFL) and as the president of the Chinese Language Association of Secondary-Elementary Schools (CLASS). Since 2006, Dr. Tan has served as a Chinese language consultant for the College Board AP, a member of the Chinese SAT proposing committee, and a member of the AP Chinese exam proposing committee. She has been invited to speak at various international and national conferences, and has published several papers in serials and academic journals in China, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada. Her students nominated her as the "Most Influential Teacher of a Lifetime" when she received the 2003 Presidential Scholar Award, for which she received a Teacher Recognition Award from the U.S. Department of Education. Also, she was named the 2022 Virginia World Language Teacher of the Year.




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